Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday Zumba class brought in 8 super excited participants and rocked Limitless Nutrition with Intoxicating beats, fun was had by all. Next time we just need YOU!

Zumba is offered every Tuesday & Thursday by Callie Schlatter. Classes  from 5:30-6:30!!

Monday, November 11, 2013


Gotta try this ~Herbalife~Protein Peanut Butter Balls~ 1 cup whole oats 3 tbls reduced fat peanut butter (I used almond butter) 2 scoop vanilla/ choc./or cookies n cream Herbalife Healthy Meal 1 tbls honey I added dark chocolate chips for a twist Run through a food processor and form into balls Makes roughly 12 protein packed balls at around 35 calories each


Starting the 19th, Callie Schlatter licensed zumba instructor will be teaching classes Tuesday and Thursday and its only 5 dollars a class. callieschlatter.zumba.com